Wednesday, August 29, 2007


This is fun for me. I participate in this international music contest at I've actually received quite a few awards over the past year. I appreciate that my musical colleagues occasionally throw accolades at my guitar playing or arranging or producing.

The latest award is for "It's a Shame." I wrote this song in 1979, nursing a hangover in an empty (except for my fellow itinerate musician, Tim Kohler) sports stadium in Flagstaff.

A couple months ago I was in my makeshift studio working on a song that had me rather frustrated. I decided to take a break and blow off some steam. Within about a half an hour I had recorded all the parts to "It's a Shame" and mixed the darn thing. I was going for the original garage band jam sound. I fully expected to delete the result.

On a whim I submitted an MP3 of the song to As I expected, the guitar hero wannabes dissed my unschooled licks. A few reviewers caught the feeling, but nobody seemed to catch the parody that I intended. Apparently "Garageband" is now a program for Apple computers rather than a way of life.

Imagine my surprise when "It's a Shame" was named Track of the Day in the hotly contested category of Blues Rock. Makes me want to jump on the hood of the Rambler, wailing on my Flying V!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your award, Pete! Two questions: Do you still have the Takamine I sold you that used to be Crowley's? Also, I need a snailmail address for you so I can send you some amusing Finnish material. So, how 'bout it?